Sunday, January 07, 2007

Training: Seattle-style

Well this is my first foray into the world of blogging. Jim has insisted that I post a dispatch from the pacific NW. I have been extremely jealous of those folks training for the CE in South Africa. (Actually Jim has been training in sunny weather down in SF. . . ) Their summer is in full swing, their biker tans are probably already evident and rain is a mere afterthought. But to those of us in the northern hemisphere, training during our winter is a bit of challenge. Couple that with the fact that I live in Seattle and that it's been one of the wettest winters I can remember. My new salvation: skate skiing. What? Cape Epic is a bike race? No matter. Skating takes me away from the wet road and trails and lets me explore the solitude of the mountains. My legs this year feel quite good on the hills--most likely due to the new skis my dad got me for x-mas. Thanks dad. Plus I'm told that lots of mtn bikers skate in the off season. Unfortunately this is technically not the off season for me, with the CE exactly 75 days away.

But back to the rain. It has been relentless. Those guys training in Africa may have the tans, but I will have the mental fortitude of a thousand men. I'll let the cold wet dreary miles take their toll and when I get in the sun the miles (er kilometers) will be as enjoyable as ever. So without my riding buddy today I was forced to do something that I never thought possible: I rode for 3hrs on the trainer. I never want to do that again. I am a bit skeptical of riding on the trainer and whether it builds fitness. Seems like suffering outside in the elements does more to work your body into shape than any number of hours on the trainer. Like I said, this feat will not be repeated. Next week it's the mtns or bust. However, I have to believe that mentally, 3hrs on the trainer is the same as 5hrs on the road. At least that's what I'm telling myself. So below is a picture of my basement torture chamber.
Notice the fan blows only on my seat. In theory that simulates the wind blowing through my pants and ultimately keeps my butt somewhat dry. So far I have not had any saddle sores while riding on the trainer. This little bit of advice has worked wonders. That's all for now. Pray for sun. Or at least cloudy skies.


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